Okko Hotels
Grenoble, 2014
The adventure continues !
The OKKO hotel has taken up residence in the heart of Grenoble and its eco-district. With a terrace facing magnificent mountains, the challenge was to come up with a flattering echo for these beautiful rivals.
A new range of warm colors is arranged in islands to give structure to the large volumes of the Club. Very contemporary evocations of nature were achieved with a choice of high performance materials and a collection of furniture pieces that hinge on the fundamental concepts of the OKKO ethos.
Neither quite the same as the first OKKO nor quite different from it, this unique place combines aesthetics, comfort, timelessness and high standards. To continue to feel at home while being somewhere else.
2014 France / Photographs by Jérôme Galland / OKKO Hotels Grenoble / © SND
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